Zoë Beckham

Zoë has worked in Tennessee K-12 schools since 2011. After teaching multiple grade levels in elementary and middle school, she had the opportunity to lead a turnaround effort as the Director of Operations at an elementary school in Nashville, TN. Once merging into operations, Zoë successfully leveraged strategic systems design and implementation as a means to accelerate progress in schools.

During the pandemic, Zoë worked at Amazon, supporting leaders in scaling systems and processes in response to pandemic demand, while developing and retaining key teams. From there, she joined the Leadership & Professional Learning team at the Tennessee Department of Education, designing and leading programming and development for K-12 principals across Tennessee, specifically focused on leaders of turnaround schools.

From a large family in New Orleans, LA, Zoë makes a mean gumbo, loves working on and with teams, and still marvels over snow. She’s a movie buff with a concentration in nerd lore, an avid consumer of both serious and frivolous reading material, and she will talk trash over boardgames.